Tour Prices
Food & Wine Tour
US $4,675.00 per person sharing a Double Room
US $928 Single Room Occupancy Supplement
Prices are valid until 10th December 2023
Prices are based on a minimum of six (6) passengers travelling together on the entire tour.
Prices do not include international airfares to South Africa.
Please see inclusion/ exclusion list at the end of the itinerary.
Golf Tour
Johannesburg, Sun City & Bush
US $3,158.00 per person sharing a Double Room (using the Cabanas at Sun City)
US $848 Single Room Occupancy Supplement
Upgrade to The Palace of the Lost City
US $3,889.00 per person sharing a Double Room (at the Palace of the Lost City)
US $1,258 Single Room Occupancy Supplement
Western Cape Tour
US $3,700.00 per person sharing a Double Room
US $752 Single Room Occupancy Supplement
Prices valid until 10th November
Prices 01 st December until 15th December
US $3,910.00 per person sharing a Double Room
US $1,179 Single Room Occupancy Supplement
Prices are based on a minimum of six (6) passengers travelling together on the entire tour.
Prices do not include international airfares to South Africa.
Please see inclusion/ exclusion list at the end of the itinerary.